World Congress in Tennis Medicine & Science
Friday 4 April - Coaches Conference
Moderator: Jan Bunt
The KNLTB has awarded the coaches conference with 6 PO points
US Open
Words of welcome
Roger Davids, President KNLTB
Jacco Eltingh, Performance Director KNLTB
Fredrik Johansson, President STMS
Anneke van Zanen-Nieberg, President NOC*NSF (Dutch Olympic Committee)
US Open
Competing in the heat | *Keynote topic
Ollie Jay, Professor of Heat and Health, University of Sydney
Hein Daanen, Professor in Thermal Physiology, Free University Amsterdam
Jelmer Alsma, Internist specialised in acute medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center
Coffee break: refresh & connect
Tennis court
Biomechanics in tennis success
Gavin MacMillan, Chief Executive Officer, Sport Science Lab, USA
Tennis court
The power of planned disruptions
Ruben de Bruin, Coordinator Mental Training, NTC KNLTB
Lunch break & poster session
Tennis court
Planning for peak performance
Matt Little, Strength and Conditioning Cach, UK (TBC)
Tennis court
Physiology insights for tennis success
Glenn Björklund, Associate Professor Sports Sience, Mid Sweden University
Coffee break
Tennis court
Stroke booster
Natasja van der Boon, Embedded Scientist, KNLTB
Tennis court
Nurturing long-term athlete development in tennis
Dario Novak, Associate Professor Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Tennis court
Mastering agility on the tennis court
Miguel Janssen, Federation Strength & Conditioning Coach, NTC KNLTB
Marleen Jansen, Embedded Sientist, National Tennis Centre KNLTB
Tennis, padel and fitness break
Congress dinner
*Competing in the Heat
*Keynote Topic
Friday 4 April, 9:30-10:30
(Round table discussion 10:30-11:00)
US Open
- Ollie Jay, Professor of Heat & Health, University of Sydney, Australia
- Hein Daanen, Professor in Thermal Physiology, Free University Amsterdam
- Jelmer Alsma, Internist specialised in acute medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam
in Tennis Succes
Friday 4 April, 11:00-12:00
Tennis court
- Gavin MacMillan, Chief Executive Officer, Sport Science Lab, USA
Gavin will discuss his method for enhancing athletes’ biomechanics, emphasizing essential techniques for the tennis serve. He will use video analysis to outline his process for analyzing and improving players’ mechanics to match ideal stroke patterns and illustrate the similarities in biomechanics across various sports, showing how insights from tennis can apply elsewhere.
The Power of Planned Disruptions
Friday 4 April, 12:00-12:30
Tennis court
- Ruben de Bruin, Coordinator Mental Training, KNLTB
A planned disruption is a training method designed to teach athletes how to perform under pressure by intentionally creating stress during practice sessions. This approach trains athletes to cope with stress while executing skills and making decisions. In this presentation, Ruben will demonstrate how to apply safe and effective planned disruptions in tennis.
Planning for Peak Performance
Friday 4 April, 13:30-14:30
Tennis court
- Matt Little, Strength and Conditioning Coach, UK (TBC)
Physiology Insights
for Tennis Succes
Friday 4 April, 14:30-15:00
Tennis court
- Glenn Bjorklund, Associate Professor, Dept of Health SCiences, Mid Sweden University
Stroke Booster
Friday April 4, 15:30-15:50
Tennis court
- Natasja van der Boon, Embedded Scientist, KNLTB
Natasja will demonstrate the importance of using the kinetic chain effectively in sports to achieve optimal ball speeds. She will be showcasing the Tennis Stroke Booster, a tool that visualises the kinetic chain during fast-paced tennis serves, often completed in just 0.3 s. Learn how this technology can help improve performance and minimise the risk of overuse injuries.
Nurturing Long-term
Athlete Development
Friday April 4, 15:50-16:15
Tennis court
- Dario Novak, associate professor kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Mastering Agility
on the Tennis Court
Friday April 4, 16:15-17:00
Tennis court
- Miguel Janssen, Federation Strength & Conditioning Coach, KNLTB
- Marleen Jansen, Embedded Scientist, KNLTB
Agility is a key skill for tennis players, enabling them to execute quick, multidirectional movements in response to the ball and their opponent’s positioning. Assessing agility is essential for enhancing performance and guiding players’ development. In this session, we will demonstrate how we monitor agility performance to pinpoint areas for improvement, and outline the specific agility training strategies that follow.