World Congress of Tennis Medicine & Science
Thursday 3 April
We are delighted to offer a special welcome and site tour on April 3rd for our international guests, speakers, and STMS members. All other attendees are warmly encouraged to join us for the main conference kickoff on April 4th.
Words of Welcome
Fredrik Johansson, President STMS
NTC & KNLTB office
Guided Tour
Babette Pluim & Aldo Hoekstra
Network Reception
Friday 4 April - Scientific Conference
The two-day conference has been accredited for sports physicians (VSG), general physiotherapists (ABF) and sports physiotherapists (ABF) with 11 CPD/CME points
Moderator: Marcella Mesker
US Open
Words of Welcome
Roger Davids, President KNLTB
Jacco Eltingh, Performance Director KNLTB
Fredrik Johansson, President STMS
Anneke van Zanen-Nieberg, President NOC*NSF (Dutch Olympic Committee)
Competing in the Heat | *Keynote Topic – US Open
Extreme Heat Stress Risk Management for Professional and Community Tennis.
- Ollie Jay, Professor of Heat and Health, University of Sydney
Performance Preservation in Tennis: Strategies for Hot Weather Conditions
- Hein Daanen, Professor in Thermal Physiology, Free University Amsterdam
Heat Illness in Tennis
- Jelmer Alsma, Internist specialised in acute medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center
US Open
Competing in the Heat | Round Table Discussion
Olie Jay, Hein Daanen, Jelmer Alsma, Professional tennis player, ATP physiotherapist
Coffee Break: Refresh & Connect
US Open
Wheelchair Tennis: Speed, Skill, and Spirit on the Court
Breaking Barriers: My Journey of Inclusion, Excellence and Leadership in Wheelchair Tennis
- Esther Vergeer | Tournament Director ABN AMRO open, former world nr 1 wheelchair tennis
Evidence-Based Classification in Wheelchair Tennis
- Sam Williamson | Head of Classification, International Tennis Federation
Trunk Function, the Core of Mobility Performance in Wheelchair Tennis
- Rienk van der Slikke | Sport Scientist, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Lunch Break & Poster Session
Mental Health Challenges in Tennis | *Keynote Topic
Title to follow
- Brian Hainline | Clinical Professor of Neurology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine | Vice President ITF
Tackling Mental Health in Sports: How Sport Organisations Lead the Way
- Vincent Gouttebarge | Extra-ordinary Professor Section Sports Medicine, University of Pretoria
Title to follow
- Zoe Moffat | WTA Mental Health Care Provider, WTA
US Open
Mental Health Challenges in Tennis | Round Table Discussion
Brian Hainline, Vincent Gouttebarge, Zoe Moffat, (wheelchair) tennis player, coach
Coffee Break: Refresh & Connect
Everyone watches women’s sports!
Practical Application of REDs Clinical Assessment Tool (REDs-CAT): The WTA Experience
- Jennifer Maynard | Chief Medical Advisor, WTA
Periods, Breasts, Babies, Bones and Biomechanics.
- Candice MacMillan, Lecturer in Biomechanics, University of Pretoria
Winning Strategies for Reproductive Health: A Grand Slam Approach
- Jorien Woolderink | Sport Gynaecologist, Martini Hospital, Groningen
Panel Discussion led by Kathleen Stroia | Senior Vice President, Performance Health, WTA
US Open
Conquering Time Zones for Peak Tennis Performance
Christa Janse van Rensburg | Rheumatologist, Sports & Exercise Medicine Physician, University of Pretoria
Tennis, Padel and Fitness Break
Congress Dinner
Friday 4 April
ATP Tournament Physicians
ATP Tournament Physicians Meeting
The topics will cover a range of areas, including heat management, nutrition, tournament medical care, and more
Tennis, Padel and Fitness break
Congress Dinner
*Competing in the Heat
*Keynote Topic
Friday 4 April, 9:30-10:30
Round table discussion 10:30-11:00
US Open
Competing in the Heat | *Keynote Topic
Extreme Heat Stress Risk Management for Professional and Community Tennis.
- Ollie Jay, Professor of Heat and Health, University of Sydney
Performance Preservation in Tennis: Strategies for Hot Weather Conditions
- Hein Daanen, Professor in Thermal Physiology, Free University Amsterdam
Heat Illness in Tennis
- Jelmer Alsma, Internist specialised in acute medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center
Wheelchair Tennis
Speed, skill, and spirit on the court
Friday 4 April, 11:30-12:15
US Open
Breaking Barriers: My Journey of Inclusion, Excellence and Leadership in Wheelchair Tennis
- Esther Vergeer, Tournament Director ABN AMRO Open, former World nr 1 wheelchair tennis
Evidence-Based Classification in Wheelchair Tennis
- Sam Williamson, Head of Classification, Internation Tennis Federation
Trunk Function, the Core of Mobility Performance in Wheelchair Tennis
- Rienk van der Slikke, Sport Scientist, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
*Mental Health Challenges
*Keynote Topic
Friday 4 April, 13:30-14:30
Round table discussion 14:30-15:00
US Open
Title to follow
- Brian Hainline, Clinical Professor of Neurology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Vice President ITF
Tackling Mental Health in Sports: How Sport Organisations Lead the Way
- Vincent Gouttebarge, Extra-ordinary Professor Section Sports Medicine, University of Pretoria.
Title to follow
- Zoe Moffat, WTA Mental Health Care Provider, WTA
Every Watches Women's Sports!
Friday 4 April, 15:30-16:30
US Open
- Moderator: Kathleen Stroia, Senior Vice President, Performance Health, WTA
Practical Application of REDs Clinical Assessment Tool (REDs-CAT): The WTA Experience
- Jennifer Maynard, Chief Medical Advisor, WTA
Periods, Breasts, Babies, Bones and Biomechanics
- Candice MacMillan, Lecturer in Biomechanics, University of Pretoria
Winning Strategies for Reproductive Health: A Grand Slam Approach
- Jorien Woolderink, Sport Gynaecologist, Martini Ziekenhuis, Groningen.
Conquering Time Zones
for Peak Performance
Friday 4 April, 16:30-17:00
US Open
- Christa Janse van Rensburg, Professor in Sports & Exercise Medicine, University of Pretoria